Interested individuals should complete the attached application form. There are no formal criteria for entry to the training. However, it is important that prospective candidates have the right intentions and experience to take on the training, as it is personally and therapeutically demanding. Each application will be assessed on an individual basis. It is highly recommended that you attend an intro day so you can be sure this is the right training for you. Applicants who do not come on intro events may be offered an interview for suitability.

The course includes an anatomical perspective however if you have no previous knowledge or training in this, or are light in your anatomy knowledge, it may be necessary for you to complete additional anatomy and physiology studies. This may vary from taking the Living Anatomy training or additional studies as part of the course homestudy program to enable you to have a fuller perspective of the body’s physical processes and to graduate. The training's accrediting bodies require a minimum of 80 hours of study.