Essential Books

Cranial Intelligence - A Practical Guide to Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy

Author: Ged Sumner and Steve Haines
Publisher: Singing Dragon

Cranial Intelligence provides a practical approach to therapeutic work based on the authors clinical experience and teaching of the work all over the world. The book demystifies the model and attempts to articulate in clear simple language the essence of what actually works in clinical practice. The book includes meditation exercises, treatment guidelines and clinical highlight features. Unique in the biodynamic field are chapters on joints, organs and practice development.

Body Intelligence

Author: Ged Sumner
Publisher: Singing Dragon

Body Intelligence offers a new understanding of how the body works and leads the reader to a greater sense of wellbeing and an enriched sense of self.

In an Unspoken Voice: How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness

Author: Peter A. Levine
Publisher: North Atlantic Books

In this culmination of his life’s work, Peter A. Levine draws on his broad experience as a clinician, a student of comparative brain research, a stress scientist and a keen observer of the naturalistic animal world to explain the nature and transformation of trauma in the body, brain and psyche.

Pain is Really Strange

Author: Steve Haines
Publisher: Singing Dragon

Answering questions such as 'how can I change my pain experience?', 'what is pain?', and 'how do nerves work?', this short research-based graphic book reveals just how strange pain is and explains how understanding it is often the key to relieving its effects.

Trauma is Really Strange

Author: Steve Haines
Publisher: Singing Dragon

What is trauma? How does it change the way our brains work? And how can we overcome it?

When something traumatic happens to us, we dissociate and our bodies shut down their normal processes. This unique comic explains the strange nature of trauma and how it confuses the brain and affects the body.

Highly Recommended Books

Body Intelligence Meditation: Finding presence through embodiment

Author: Ged Sumner
Publisher: Singing Dragon

Ged Sumner introduces the unique Body Intelligence form of meditation which creates a deeply felt connection with the physical body.

Foundations in Craniosacral Biodynamics, Volume One: The Breath of Life and Fundamental Skills

Author: Franklyn Sills
Publisher: North Atlantic Books

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) is commonly seen as the spiritual approach to craniosacral therapy (CST); in fact, BCST as taught by Franklyn Sills, the pioneer in the field, is quite different from conventional CST.

Foundations in Craniosacral Biodynamics, Volume Two: The Sentient Embryo, Tissue Intelligence, and Trauma Resolution

Author: Franklyn Sills
Publisher: North Atlantic Books

Foundations in Craniosacral Biodynamics presents a comprehensive grounding in the clinical skills needed in a biodynamic approach to craniosacral therapy. Author Franklyn Sills places particular emphasis on developing what he terms "perceptual skills," diagnostic skills that enable the practitioner to perceive the subtle sensations and intuitive insights that are the groundwork of most forms of holistic somatic therapy.

Painful Yarns

Author: Lorimer Moseley
Publisher: Dancing Giraffe Press

Painful Yarns, written by Dr. Lorimer Moseley, is a compilation of hilarious stories and images intended to help explain the complexity of pain. These stories, while entertaining, are used as metaphors to explain key aspects of the biology of pain. 'Painful Yarns' is a perfect pre-read for 'Explain Pain'.

Wisdom in the Body

Author: Michael Kern
Publisher: North Atlantic Books

The clearest introduction to the biodynamic model

Anatomy Atlas

A Regional Atlas of Anatomy

Author: Clemente
Publisher: Urban & Schwarzenburg

Great book, single volume atlas.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Author: Netter
Publisher: Ciba-Geigy Pubs

Netter is probably the best known single volume anatomy atlas.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Author: Sobotta
Publisher: Urban & Schwarzenburg

2 volumes covering the whole body.

Atlas of Human Anatomy

Author: Anne M. Gilroy
Publisher: Thieme

A new book with amazing quality of pictures.

Anatomy & Physiology Books

Anatomy and Physiology

Author: Marieb
Publisher: Pearson Benjamin Cummings

Anatomy and Physiology

Author: Martini
Publisher: Prentice Hall

Anatomy and Physiology

Author: Tortora
Publisher: Harper Collins

Gray's Anatomy: 38th British Edition

Author: Henry Gray
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone

Well known texts in the Cranial Field

Being and Becoming

Author: Franklyn Sills
Publisher: North Atlantic Books

Contributions of Thought

Author: W.G. Sutherland
Publisher: Sutherland Cranial Foundation

Tracks the development of Sutherland approach. In later life there was a clear shift towards what is now the biodynamic model.

Craniosacral Therapy

Author: Upledger & Vredevoogd
Publisher: Eastland Press

Craniosacral Therapy II: Beyond the Dura

Author: John Updedger
Publisher: Eastland Press

Tracks the development of Sutherland approach. In later life there was a clear shift towards what is now the biodynamic model.

Heart of Listening Volume 1&2

Author: Hugh Milne
Publisher: North Atlantic Books

Osteopathy in the Cranial Field (1st Edition)

Author: Harold Magoun
Publisher: Sutherland Cranial Foundation

Later editions became more biomechanical. The original reference book for cranial motion.

The Stillness of Life

Author: Rollin Becker
Publisher: Stillness Press


Colour Atlas of Embryology

Author: Ulrich Drews
Publisher: Thieme

Embryology Colouring Book

Author: Matsumura
Publisher: Mosby

From Conception to Birth

Author: Alexander Tsiaras
Publisher: Random House

Images of living human embryos/foetuses at all stages of development made by computer processing medical images. Extraordinary.

Human Embryology

Author: William J Larsen
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone

Human Embryology from a Biodynamic Perspective

Author: Freeman B. (2010)
Publisher: Atlantic Books

Very useful lectures. Highly knowledgable and very informative take on how BCST is informed by medical embryology

Larsen's Human Embryology

Author: Schoenwolf G.C., Bleyl S.B., Brauer P.R., and Francis-West P.H. (2008) 4th ed
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone

The Ontogenetic Basis of HumanAnatomy: The Biodynamic Approachto Development from Conception toBirth

Author: Blechschmidt, E. (2005)
Publisher: Berkeley, CA: North

An important book for the biodynamic cranial paradigm, but not the easiest read. We give you some articles on the essence of Blechschmidt.


Anatomy of Potency

Author: Nicholas Handoll
Publisher: Osteopathic Supplies

Emotional Anatomy

Author: Stanley Keleman

Some great pictures.


Author: Eugene Gendlin
Publisher: Bantam

Very useful model to support your verbal skills.

Hidden Messages in Water

Author: Masaru Emoto
Publisher: Beyond Words Pubs

Human Labor and Birth

Author: Harry Oxorn
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Medical

Job’s Body

Author: Deane Juhan

Classic guide to anatomy and physiology for bodywork - very good on connective tissue.

John Bowlby and Attachment Theory

Author: Jeremy Holmes
Publisher: Brunner-Routledge

Molecules of Emotion

Author: Candace Pert
Publisher: Pocket Books

Sensitive Chaos

Author: Theodor Schwenk
Publisher: Vermillion

Some great pictures.

Tao Te Ching

Author: Lao Tzu

Many translations - Stephen Addiss translation is one to check

The Emotional Brain

Author: Joseph LeDoux
Publisher: Phoenix

The Field

Author: Lynne McTagart
Publisher: Element

The Holographic Paradigm

Author: Ken Wilbur

The Human Brain

Author: John Nolte
Publisher: Mosby

The Rainbow and the Worm

Author: Mae Wan Ho
Publisher: World Scientific Pubs

Difficult read without a science background. Some of her online articles are a good introduction to her thought.

Zen and the Art of Archery

Author: Eugene Herrigel
Publisher: Pantheon Books

Fantastic book on power of non doing.

Zen Mind, Beginners Mind

Author: Shunriyu Suzuki
Publisher: Weatherhill Pubs

Elegantly defines many principles essential to the work.


Acland's DVD Atlas of Human Anatomy

Author: Acland, R.D. (2004)

Classic series of dissections

Strolling Under The Skin

Author: Guimberteau J.C.(2005)

An amazing view of living fascia. He has done 4 DVD's. No's 1,3 and 4 are the most interesting

The Integral Anatomy Series Vols 1 to 4

Author: Gil Hedley

Funny, highly informative and very viewable take on fascia and holistic anatomy.

The Nature of Fascia

Author: Robert Schleip

Brilliant presentation on his invaluable research into fascia.

The Protoplasm of a Slime Mold

Author: William Seifriz

This is an absolutely stunning DVD showing the underpinnings of Life in its most primal state.