Morphology of Change
As the biodynamic model of practice becomes more refined there’s a gap starting to open up between the nomenclature of the older forms of CST and the new, especially around descriptions of tissue adjustment and reorganization processes. Points of balanced tension and states of balanced tension have changed to states of balance in the growth of the biodynamic field. This is an attempt to redefine the approach to a more accurate description of what happens in a BCST session as the touch has moved from a more direct and highly facilitated contact to a much more indirect approach that has greater interest in perception and allowing the body to move from within its own wisdom. However, I wonder if a ‘state of balance’ really represents what is happening now in the field. The movements of change are no longer part of an approach that seeks to create balanced states, the body’s underlying embryonic pathways are more and more revealing themselves as the relational field that arises is more original in its nature. The letting go into a natural organic body response has brought about an inner ability of the body to morph like an embryo, so more like streaming and flowing movements of change than balanced state.
Embryologists refer to ‘patterning’ as a definition of early organizing of embryonic polarity that starts with the formation of the notochord and gastrulation. Basically this is the embryo’s movements into 3D, defining front back relationships, side to side and left right. I wonder if the body is dropping back into ‘patterning’ when a ‘state of balance’ is arising - the cells and fluid system connecting with its original orientations to space. So the movements we feel are the repositioning of cells towards each other and streaming of fluid to create new fluid exchange. These movements feel like unravelling through a process of contraction and expansion, both of which are also part of embryonic chain of events. So the sequence from conception is: compaction, expansion, midline, polarity, differentiation and growth. Is this what the body does to reorganize itself? Don’t we commonly feel part of the body move into contraction as a prelude to the expansion of tissues and fluids finding a new relationship in 3D to each other - each tissue becoming clearer in its function and the body as a whole adjusting to a new order that is the same as growth
So change becomes more like a dropping back into a plastic or amorphous state - the fluid field - in order to reform through a mechanism the body knows already from its earliest moments. This is the blueprint of the body, the natural pathway for formation and transformation that the therapist can open up to in a relationship to embryonic spaces and potency fields of the body. This is an automatic shifting from developmental forces. The practitioner needs do nothing other than observe the arising of the mechanism. The more you recognize these as part of a relational field the more the body changes from an embryonic imperative expressing its original morphology. Is this what has always laid beneath the state of balance and state or points of balanced tension? And it’s just taken a true neutral listening from the practitioner and a perception of the background embryonic organization of the body for these movements of change to truly reveal themselves rather than the body having to conform to a practitioner intention. Let go of the intention to encourage, facilitate or help bring about a state of balance and see what the body does. Meet the body with a touch that is waiting to be surprised, a touch that is not presumptive or held within a framework of action or idea of the body needs. Have a mind that is embryonic - a mind that is simple and present and naive. There’s no mentation or intellectual framing in this mind. It’s a mind that’s become fluid and potent rather than oriented to neural patterns and form. Find the formless mind. This mind is full of potential and growth which is different than a mind that is highly structured. Allow your mind to be primitive and unassociated and then see how your touch brings about change.
That’s when the body turns into an embryo In fact it’s never been otherwise, it’s always been an embryo just our mind and therefore perception has made it otherwise. Then clients can perceive/experience their body in its true form - pulsing with creative life and possibility and actively transforming. This is where the breath of life is at its fullest.Here’s an animation that shows the early stages of cell growth, development of an internal space and cleavage of the blastocyst from the zona pellucida.