Rosie Sievers
Rosie is a BCST practitioner who is based in Pōneke/Wellington, NZ and completed her training with the Body Intelligence team based in the USA. Rosie's background includes many years of experience facilitating group environments, in both the worlds of yoga teacher training and retreats and mental health peer-based education. She is passionate about the role of relationship in supporting growth and healing and feels it's an immense privilege to be holding space in both the 1-1 therapeutic relationships fostered as a BCST practioner, and group environments where she witnesses the power of people choosing to come together to learn, grow and support one another. The common thread that weaves through all of her work is a belief that each of us is our own greatest teacher, making her a forever student of her own body. Rosie loves how BCST work connects us to our wholeness, reminds us of the landscape within, and the ways in which we are connected with and part of the landscape around us.