I was first drawn to craniosacral therapy in 2014 to support newborns as they transitioned at birth. As a homebirth midwife I find that craniosacral therapy offers crucial support to little ones as they initiate their first breath and adjust to life outside of the womb. I have combined the work with somatic pre and perinatal work to support all involved with birth (practitioners, birthing people, partners, and newborns) to process and integrate the huge transition of birth.

I have been blessed with the opportunity to be invited into many sacred spaces and events in lives of people from all over the world, hundreds of births, weddings, healing ceremonies and inner quests throughout the United States, Mozambique, Brazil and Mexico.

I have spent many years fine tuning my ability to listen with my ears, my heart and hands - as a nurse, midwife, craniosacral therapist, somatic therapist and family constellations practitioner.

I work with newborns, infants, children, families, and individuals of all ages offering pre and perinatal somatic process work, attachment and bonding support, nervous system regulation, education, BCST, and more. I have specialized in working with infants, tongue-tie, breastfeeding challenges and reflex integration.

I have been studying pre and perinatal somatic process work with Myrna Martin, Ray Castellino, Mary Jackson and Tara Blasco. I do one on one sessions with babies, children and adults and soon hope to be facilitating Womb Surrounds.

I delight in supporting people of all ages feel safe, seen and met so that their true potential and vitality can be expressed.

Kirstin Soares - Assistant Tutor