Anna Bidgood is a Holistic Health Practitioner based in Melbourne, Australia and has been practising in the healing space for almost a decade. After a personal loss and serious health crisis herself, Anna sought natural therapies to regain her health and then trained to bring healing and health to others.Today Anna uses the modalities she is trained in and passionate about, including BCST, Restorative and Yin Yoga, CTC therapy, Hypnosis and EFT to help people in emotional and physical pain and overwhelm.

Anna is a mother of two adult sons, connects easily and deeply with people of all ages and backgrounds, has a love of water, the great outdoors and all things natural and healthy. Anna is most comfortable barefoot but resorts to dunlop volleys and ugg boots when required :) With a background in training and a genuine love of people and community, Anna is delighted to join the BCST tutor team to help support others explore the incredible intelligence and innate healing abilities our bodies have.

Anna Bidgood - Assistant Tutor